Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Been So Long....

WARNING: The following may contain many grammatical errors as well as misspelled words.

I am trying not to fall asleep as I write this. I have been SO EXHAUSTED lately. And the main cause is my own irresponsibility. I ran out of my thyroid replacement medication a few months ago and haven't been in to get a refill. Not good. I know, not smart either. Aaron's all paranoid that I'm going to die soon if I don't get back on track with it. Good news is that I had my doctors appointment yesterday and she refilled my prescription. Yay! (also mom, she told me I could take two a day for a few days to boost it, maybe you should try it... maybe not)

Second, I have been going to bed really late. Really late. (last night, 1:30 am. a few nights ago, 3:30 am.) Finals are coming, and the busy wedding season is starting. While I love doing weddings, I miss being at home when I do them. At least it is only one or two days a week and for the other photo shoots Kade always comes with me so it's good.

Third, every week Kade seems to be waking up earlier and earlier. Today it was 7 am. He used to sleep in so well and it made me SO happy. Not anymore. I don't understand why it's happening.

So we are still planning on doing a post of Helicopter leaves for you Mel, but just haven't yet.

Aaron's grandpa died yesterday. It seems to be a week of death. I have heard of so many people that have died in the past couple days. It's hard, Aaron is of course very sad. I unfortunately didn't get a very good chance to get to know him. Soon after I met him for the first time he had a very bad stroke and his health has been declining ever since. While we expected him to be dying soon, it was still a shock. He has been in the hospital so much, especially lately. Every time he's there I always think this is it, yet every time, he pulls out of it and gets to go home. This time he didn't. He died on the way to the hospital in the ambulance yesterday. I have been looking everywhere trying to find a picture of him to put on with this. I couldn't find one, but we will miss him so much. Aaron especially. He was at school yesterday when he found out. When he came home he was obviously distraught, and just hugged me for a really long time. We just have to keep telling ourselves that he is much happier now. He's not suffering anymore, he is with his family members that passed before him, he isn't in any pain.

Now I need to take a short nap before Kade wakes up from his. Nevermind, he just woke up. Awesome.


Barry Lauritzen said...

Nickell -- I have been on thyroid medication (synthroid) for almost 30 years. My doctor told me that without it I would be dead in six weeks. So, don't mess with that again! That's an order from your grandfather!!!!!!

Nickell said...

Grandpa, I promise I know the importance of taking it. One of the reasons I didn't get a refill is because it ran out and we didn't have insurance and I had to have a doctors appointment in order to get it refilled. I made a doctors appointment the day we got insurance again, and yesterday was the soonest I could get in to see her. We are back on track though, no worries.

mindy said...

Sorry about Aaron's grandpa. That's so sad. I can tell you why Kade is waking up earlier ... the sun is coming up earlier. It's Spring and getting close to planting time. It's the farmer in him.

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