Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Time.

Sometimes I just need to get things out. Now is the time. So if you are easily offended....maybe don't read this. Sorry. One of my least favorite traits about myself is how easily I get irritated, and I can't stop thinking about the thing that irritates me unless I get it out. (emphasis on the latter.) So here I go.

The mis-use of "then" and "than". Really, it's incredibly simple. I feel like more and more I am reading "then" where "than" should be....and if I'm going there I might as well put the mis-use of they're, their, and there; effect and affect; and this is another huge one, your and you're. Really. Simple. Stuff.

Narcissism-'nuff said. (I feel like there may be some hypocrasy in this one since I am posting a bunch of stuff that bugs me. Like you care.. )

Using the same cup for more than different kind of liquid without it getting full on washed in between. No glass of milk and then glass of water. Sorry. Gross.

When the trashcan outside is full and we still have 5 days until trash day.

Using different fonts in one blog post and blogger not letting me fix it.

Kade is regressing with potty-training since his CT scan last Saturday. I'm pretty close to throwing in the towel.

When I feel selfish for wanting my husband to come home, even though this is a really good opportunity for him to be a part of.

Skype's sound wont work for us. Aaron can hear me but I can't hear him. And yes, my volume is on and up.

When two people are together and one of them is on the phone for a good majority of the time said two people are together.

There aren't enough hours in the day.

Abnormal fonts on blogs. They might make your blog all cutesy, but they also make them more difficult to see. Which leads me to the next one...

Crazy font colors on blogs that you can't see. (I have a feeling this one and the prior will hurt some feelings. Like I said, sorry. It's my opinion though, you don't have to care what I think.)

There's one more that I'm not going to add the details of. But I am going to say that narrow mindedness is involved...I'm not going to get into details mostly just because I don't feel like hearing the contrary argument. I already know it. I've already heard it.

15 items for "less". Let's try fewer. Ok, yep. Fewer is correct. 15 items or fewer.

I know this was super negative but I promise tomorrow to write a much more uplifting and happy and positive post. Promise.

And p.s. I feel much better. Again with my own narcissism. I'm out of control.


Aaron Blair said...

I still love you very much!

Amber Joy said...

I'm confused.

Nickell said...

Haha! About what?

Melody's Voice said...

I was worried that people might find what I am doing on my blog narcissistic, but oh well...people don't have to like it.

Sarah said...

What about when people use "tell" when saying such phrases as... " I'm not going to the store tell the rain let's up."
Also, when people use very long sentences on Facebook status posts without using commas or periods or any form of punctuation! Also, in mid sentence, they put LOL right in the middle of saying something. This all done with no form of punctuation... For example:
yesterday I saw a cow with a hat on lol and it was pink with white stripes it was the funniest thing I've seen since I was five lol can't wait tell the weekend I love my boyfriend

Sarah said...

Don't they know it's until... or till!!! Geez.. it's still bugging me

Melody's Voice said...

I feel like Facebook is a forum where people shouldn't have to worry about punctuation or grammar because of it's me it is kinda (yes I used an informal word, oh my) like text messaging. Who cares if it is grammatically incorrect.

Sarah said...

I don't really care about how proper the grammar is. it's when they use run on sentences without any punctuation... so you sit and try to figure out what the heck they are trying to say because it's all slurred together. I realize that even though all these things (and the same things that Nickell has voiced above )bother me, I probably am also guilty of them from time to time. When you are holding child who is pulling hair or poking you and you are trying to type, you try to do it as fast as you can before they make you drop the phone. So, yeah... sometimes we are all kinda "out of it" and that's ok also.

cat+tadd=sam said...

I love your rants!
And I 100% agree about the mis-use of the aforementioned words. Good hell, peeps. How hard is it!
However, I'm pretty sure I mix up affect and effect. I missed that lesson in AP English. No joke. i distinctly remember being out of town for that one.

And let's also add how bad I hate "u" and "r" and "ur" and "2", etc in texting. HATE it.

Maybe I'll post my own rant on my blog...

S.Shepherd said...

I know how you feel with the regressing in potty training. Andrew did that and I am working on trying to train him again.

Becca said...

OMG this is hilarious. I liked it. You know, I have NO idea when to use affect and effect. no.freakin.clue. And as far as then and than goes...whatever sounds best is what I go with, but I don't why it's one way or that other. maybe you are just a smarty pants.

on a side note, Ijust changed, like literally JUST changed my blog font to a really cutesey handwritting looking font. And i have mixed feelings. it is way cute. but it is really hard to read. I haven't decided if I'll keep it yet. haha.

also, your previous posts, and the one about 2010 and everything you did, were really fun to read.

Becca said...

um, I may not be a genius, but I'm not retarded either. please allow me to correct myself...

"I don't know why it's one way or THE other." not THAT other. sheesh.

Amy said...

I hate when people add letters into words. Like when you go "acrosst" the street. Or something like that. I get that alot with my married name. Alberg, Ahberg, Aberger.

Aaron Blair said...

I agree with Nickell and Sarah and cat+tad=sam (aka Caitlyn) with punctuation and spelling and abbreviation. Come on people your educated aren't you, try and seem like it.

Sandy said...

I really hope Aaron's inappropriate use of "your" was intentional, given the circumstance. :) I so agree with you!! While I do agree it's acceptable to use casual, non-words like "kinda" in Facebook and blogs because of the conversational style, I also think you should still use the correct form of real words (your/you're and there/their/they're drive me nuts!!!) and try to use proper grammar at all times. Why, you ask? Let me respond with a question: why on earth would you want to look/sound like an uneducated person????? But perhaps that's my own narcissism. :)

Oh, and Becca, here's a quick explanation: effect is a noun, and affect (uh-fect) is a verb (however, in psychology there is a term called affect [ah-fect] which is a noun). So, the E-ffect (at first, it was easiest for me to consider cause and effect--am I talking about the effect of a cause?) is the end result, while the A-ffect is still happening (e.g. her poor grammar affected my ability to read her sentence properly the first time through, or my inability to read it was the effect of her poor grammar). Hope that helps. :)

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